how to speak hip

Looks like someone is missing from this photo...
My brother got married! Hurrah! What a great time. Following a thoroughly lovely (and really not too long) mass/ceremony, we made our way back to the hotel for a really bumpin reception. The food was great, the company even better... lots of dancing and family. Margaret came from Rhode Island and I loved seeing her.  That girl is awesome. I was a bridesmaid so I got to get all gussied up, too. All in all a flawless memory. Now they're in Hawaii - how cool. Photo above by Chad and Kristin's good friend Greg.

Now I am back in Charlottesville and into the groove again. Working on a thread-on-canvas piece for someone, with people playing instruments. I decided to make it while watching every River Phoenix movie ever made and it's been pretty successful so far. 

Overall: my wanderlust is going crazy, I've been making infographics and swimming a lot, and the upcoming shuckster should be a fun one. Still trying in my lifelong quest to go to bed at a decent hour. Unsuccessful.

Alright, I'm going to go downstairs to make a root vegetable roast. Happy autumn.

Kevin Cyr

I wanna be a singer
but I don't want to leave my home
but I don't really have a home
so I might as well go roam
oh ho-ho

She's built for speed

The past several weekends have been all over the place, geographically. Williamsburg, Roanoke, Baltimore... there's a lot to see and the summer is quickly coming to a close! You gotta fit in those ghost tours, boat rides and walks at the waterfront, though, am I right?

photograph Brendan Fitzgerald

Last weekend, we also had our monthly Shuckster opening, which I think went well. It was nice to see a mishmash of different people all coming to the same place to look at art but also to see each other and have conversations with new people. I hope it will continue to go as well - !

Shaun Kardinal - "Intertwined"

paul covers bruce

Max: I'm too nostalgic. I'll admit it.

Skippy: We graduated four months ago. What can you possibly be nostalgic for?

Max: I'm nostalgic for conversations I had yesterday. I've begun reminiscing events before they even occur. I'm reminiscing this right now. I can't go to the bar because I've already looked back on it in my memory... and I didn't have a good time.

art show at the garage!

"Carl, Meet Virginia"

New work by Jesse Wells
May 6 - 29

Jesse's newest work explores impossible connections and unifying totems. Mapping the interpersonal aesthetics of the quest, it features prints and works on paper, zines, crochet, and embroidery.

The Garage
N. 1st Street (across from Lee Park)
Charlottesville, VA

Opening Reception May 6, 5:30-8pm
Please come for refreshments, friends, and art!

Gallery Hours: During scheduled events, or by appointment.

Contact (for additional information):
Jesse: jesskawells [!at]

Information regarding the image:
Jesse Wells, "Listo" letterpress on paper 9"x9", 2011


Sierra and my bedroom is pretty cool. It's really white, sure, but it has a really high ceiling and a window that leads to the hallway.

We have been slowly working on utilizing this space, in particular, setting up one of the walls with lots of artwork. Here's our progress!

Featuring work by: Nikki McClure, Patrick Costello, Jesse Wells, Erika Jane, Jeremy Taylor, Allyson Mellberg-Taylor, Andy Jenkins, Sierra Bellows, Kristin Smith (not pictured), Rachel Singel

baby o'clock!

Hey! I got reviewed in The Hook this week! Seems like they agreed that it was a little difficult to see the work at that venue, but hey - who am I to say no to someone offering me a place to put up my art? Plus they're really nice over there and I dug the yellow walls! A lot of good things have come from it. Thanks for the kind words about my work, though, Laura!

In other news, my close friend jamesanderson is having a baby girl as we speak! Congrats to the soon-to-be mom and dad! You'll be chasin' the boys away from your house before you know it - !